Caring for your Newborn Kitten
How old is my kitten?
Age~ 1-14 days- their eyes are not open, their ears are folded over. They should eat about 32ml of formula per day.
Age 2 weeks- their eyes are open and they can move around shakily. They should eat 55ml of formula per day.
Age 3 weeks- their ears are up and they can walk about well. They should eat 80ml of formula per day.
Kittens need to live in a warm and secure area. They should be fed every 4-6 hours. Kittens can be fed milk replacer. NEVER feed a kitten on its back. This can cause them to aspirate the milk into their lungs. Signs of a hungry kitten are crying constantly, moving their head from side to side and suckling on
objects or other kittens.
Kittens less than 3 weeks old cannot eliminate without help. After each feeding gently rub the anus and urinary orifice with a moistened
cotton ball or Kleenex.

When a kitten is 3-4 weeks old you can begin offering it solid food. The formula can also be placed in a bowl at this time. Do not offer human baby food. This food is not complete and balanced for kittens.
You should vaccinate and deworm your kitten at 8 weeks of age. The Rabies vaccine must be given by a veterinarian after 12 weeks of age.
Problems you may encounter
~ If your kitten is not producing stool when it eliminates it may be constipated. Try making the formula a little thinner. If this does not work please call our office for further advice.
~ Kittens need warmth! If you are using a heating pad, Beware of the temperature so your kitten does not over heat!
If you have any additional questions or concerns please call us!