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Large Animal


Most of our large animal work is done on the road. We have 4 mobile vet trucks, servicing Northumberland, Snyder, Union and surrounding counties. 


Our large animal hospital is attached to our main facility. It is fully equipped with stalls, stocks, an isolation stall, and a surgery and recovery suite. Our surgical suite allows us to do geldings and other equine surgeries. 


We have a mobile x-ray machine which means we can take digital x-rays on the farm or at our clinic. 


We host dairy and equine meetings yearly. Topics discussed at the meetings vary year to year. 



Other services we offer are listed below:


Herd Checks

Health Certificates

Diagnostic Testing

Blood Testing

Fecal Testing

Milk Cultures (Bovine only)

Pregnancy Blood Testing (Bovine Only)

Forage Analysis

General Vaccines and Deworming

Coggins Testing (Equine Only)

Kennel Checks


Contact us via email:

Please continue to call the hospital directly for appointments and emergencies.

570 286-5131





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